An art project of Danish-German friendship
Ute Manoloudakis
1965 born in Wattenscheid (Germany), 1969 moved to Berlin (Germany)
studied dance and arts (painting and graphics with Prof. Hans Schiller, Berlin)
Founder of the Vivace dance studio in Berlin, director from 1995-2011
since 2011 working as a freelance artist in Potsdam and Berlin
Member of the BBK Berlin, BBK Brandenburg and
Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam e.V.

The human impact is changing the world and the atmosphere in the Anthropocene, the age of mankind. But nature cannot be abused with impunity. Fires and storms, pandemics that have their origins in a neoliberal globalized economy and streams of refugees fleeing the climate-induced destruction of their countries bear witness to a changing world.
The reason for my artistic change lies in the current affairs. In an inner change, I enter into a dialogue with nature and process my thoughts and feelings about the events directly in my work.

Selected Exhibitions since 2014
Galerie Dornenhaus, Ahrenshoop
Galerie M Potsdam (G, Germany)
Brandenburgischer Kunstpreis 2022, Schloss Neuhardenberg (G, Germany)
„Aus der Stille“, Schinkelkirche Petzow (E, Germany)
Galerie am Jägertor, Potsdam (G, Germany)
Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam (G, Germany)
Galerie aIe, Potsdam (G, Germany)
Galerie La scala d’oro, Rom (G, Italy)
Galerie Dornenhaus, Ahrenshoop (G, Germany)
Galerie La scala d’oro, Rom (G, Italy)
Galerie M, Potsdam | Galerie der Einheit, Potsdam (G, Germany)
„Subjektive Realitäten“, Palais am Stadtkanal Potsdam (E, Germany)
Galerie am Jägertor, Potsdam (G, Germany)
Ehemalige Abhörstation Teufelsberg Berlin (G, Germany)
Palazzo della Provincia Bergamo (G, Italy)
Kunstverein Kunsthaus Potsdam (G, Germany)
Kunststiftung Starke, Löwenpalais, Berlin (G, Germany)
„SEHsuchtsorte“, Galerie Kairos, Berlin (E, Germany)
Galerie Vega, Montenegro (G, Montenegro)
Theater im Palais am Festungsgraben, Berlin (G, Germany)
Galerie im Kloster, Ribnitz-Damgarten (G, Germany)
Galerie des Pêcheurs, (G, Monaco)
„Sehsucht Potsdam“ MWfK Kulturministerium Brandenburg, Potsdam (E, Germany)
„Ute Manoloudakis“, Kunstforum Berliner Volksbank (E, Germany)
Galerie Schloss Mirow (G, Germany)
Galerie des Pêcheurs, (G, Monaco)
Galerie Dikmayer, Berlin (G, Germany)
„Springfever“ Schinkelkirche Petzow (E, Germany)
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, Potsdam (G, Germany)
Ministerium für Umwelt, Potsdam (G, Germany)
Kunstverein Art Baden-Baden (G, Germany)
„Inspirative Blicke“ Galerie F37, Berlin (E, Germany)
Kunstverein Kunsthaus Potsdam (G, Germany)
Kunststiftung Starke, Berlin (G, Germany)
Galerie la Girafe, Berlin (G, Germany)