An art project of Danish-German friendship
Johannes Neuhann
born 1951 in Fulda
1970-75 studies at Academy of Fine Arts Kassel.
He has been living and working in Berlin as a teacher, painter and photographer since 1975

„There is beauty wherever you find it“ – this slight modification of a Marcel Duchamp quote reflects my approach in creating the works in this exhibition. Roaming the streets of Berlin, a curious eye is a wonderful tool. For me, objects in the vicinity like temporary yellow markings become potential elements for an art work. What I find in the streets display a variety of forms that perhaps no human being would ever invent. The separation of the objects of their original context allow the observer discover new phenomena of daily city life.

Exhibitions since 2018
Werkschau 2 | Galerie Z22, Berlin (G, Germany)
„Fünf mal kleiner und größer“ | Rathenau Hallen G59, Berlin (G, Germany)
„Kunst lebt“, 10 Jahre XTRO Ateliers | Galerie Schöne Weide, Berlin (Germany, G)
„Kunst kennt keine Ausgangssperre“ | Rathenau Hallen, Berlin (Germany, G)
Fotografie | Galerie Z22, Berlin (G, Germany)
Atelierhaus Vahle, Darmstatt (with Till Neu, Germany)
Transformart | Rathenau Hallen, Berlin (G, Germany)