An art project of Danish-German friendship
Ila Wingen
Studies of dance and art plastique at the University Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France. Assistance to the American artist Cy Twombly. Curatorial studies at the UdK Berlin, Germany. Numerous Exhibitions domestic and worldwide since 1994. Art-intervention at the Venice Biennial 2003 and documenta 13. The artist works are represented in private and public collections, e.g. the Leibnitz foundation, Schloß Dagstuhl, Radio Bremen, IBB collection and the German National Parliament’s Collection.
Member of the BBK Berlin and the Verein der Berliner Künstler

About the most recent work:
Ila Wingen’s artistic theme is space. The body is directly related to space. In the work series – the enigmatic autocratic female code, gender-defining image codes are mirrored, twisted, repositioned and removed from an autocratic imagery. Forms take on a mystical appeal and seem like beings in search for a new democratic nature.
As an artist, I use different media such as painting, installations, poetry, collages and interventions in space. In my artistic work, I am particularly interested in making the psychological visible through conceptual and emotional questions about private and social interaction. I definitely understand this process as political. The human being, the human form, is a recurring point of reference, especially the female figure and its abstraction. My attention is focused on the narrative moment. Ways of looking at things, states of communication, tensions are revealed. Observing, seeing something, being seen is always theme as a reflection of a picture in itself. The “irritating” of viewing habits and thought processes, is an important concern for me. As an artist, I move with the visual imagery in a space of debate and dialogue.

Selected Exhibitions since 2016
Wildwuchs / Villa Blunk / Wriezen (Germany, S)
Druckkunst im Dialog / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
In flow / project space K 19 / Berlin (Germany, G)
The special summer art show / Atelierhof Kreuzberg / Berlin (Germany, G)
Fridges and bridges / Michaela Helfrich gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
UPDATES 22 / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
breaking point / Reinbeckhallen / Berlin (Germany, G)
Wintershow / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
all in / art-room Christoph Damm / Berlin (Germany, G)
Irritations / VBK gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Sag mir / Sangsangheon gallery / Seoul (South-Korea, G)
Der neue Turm / Museum Bad Hersfeld, Kapitelsaal / Bad Hersfeld (Germany, G)
Die Neuen / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Kunst bleibt / Rathenauhallen G59 / Berlin (Germany, G)
Up-date 21 / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Kunst lebt / Galerie Schöne Weide / Berlin (Germany, G)
Verhinderte Schönheiten / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Special summer art show / Atelierhof Kreuzberg / Berlin (Germany, G)
Direkte Aktion / Michaela Helfrich gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Heon / Art Center Gangneung / Gangneung (South Korea, G)
C.A.R. / Contemporary art fair / Ruhr, Essen (Germany, G)
Kunst kennt keine Ausgangssperre / Villa Blunk / Wriezen (Germany, G)
Recycling story / Art Center Gangneung / Gangneung (South Korea, G)
Kunst kennt keine Ausgangssperre #3 / Rathenau Hallen G59 / Berlin (Germany, G)
Up-date 20 / Vbk gallery/ Berlin (Germany, G)
Bauplan Körper Frau / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Wie Leben? / Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Re-define / Atelierhof Kreuzberg / Berlin (Germany, G)
Begegnungen / MHK gallery Seoul / Seoul (South Korea, G)
Bienvenue Turtle / Arnaud Levebrve / Paris (France, G)
Schöneberger Art / Haus am Kleistpark / Berlin (Germany, G)
Techne / Part 2, Vbk gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Skywalk / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Techne / Pinacoteca Aldo Locateli / Porto Alegre (Brazil, G)
Collect, Select, Say Good-bye / Schloß Biesdorf / Berlin (Germany, G)
Rückblick.Text und Bild / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Miniaturen / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
#Me too / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Nanseolheon / Museum Gangneung / Gangneung (South-Korea, G)
Grit / LACDA gallery / Los Angeles (USA, G)
Open / Künstlerhof Frohnau / Berlin (Germany, G)
Zwischen den Gipfeln / Zwitschermaschine / Berlin (Germany, G)
Open source / LACDA gallery / Los Angeles (USA, G)
Verknüpfter Knopf / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
UAWG / Majolika gallery / Karlsruhe (Germany, G)
h.o.t / gallery saarländisches Institut. LV. / Berlin (Germany, G)
Ferne Nah / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Us the image / Cononia Nova / Berlin (Germany, G)
Was der Himmel erlaubt / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Selfie / mz project space / Berlin (Germany, G)
Nanseolheon / Museum Gangneung / Gangneung (South-Korea, G)
Open / gallery Endlin, aeg project space / New York (USA, G)
Löwenpalais / Foundation Starke / Berlin (Germany, G)
Super urban village / Kunstverein Tiergarten / Berlin (Germany, G)
Kunstpoststelle / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Tell me / sound installation Auswärtiges Amt / Berlin (Germany, G)
Queens / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Urban / Ausstellungszentrum Pyramide / Berlin (Germany, G)
Grit 16 – LACDA / Los Angeles (USA, G)
Losing control / AKKU project space Künstlerbund / Baden-Würtenberg (Germany, G)
Dis/appear / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
Kleine Formate / Gedok gallery / Berlin (Germany, G)
30 qm / Zwitschermaschine / Berlin (Germany, G)