An art project of Danish-German friendship
Helle Vinter
Born 1956
1977 – 1981 Kolding Kunsthåndværkerskole, DK
1982 Grafisk Skole, Aarhus DK
Study trips to Mexico, Burma, University of Arts, Nagoya, Japan, Berlin and others
Teacher at The St. Petersburg Palace of Youth Creativity & Zerkalny Center, Russia.
Creative Workshops for virksomheder, bl.a.: Lego, Falck og IT-virksomheden Logica.
Creative Workshops for Gestalt Træning Center (v. Psykolog Mikael Sonne), Skanderborg. Billedskolen på Horsens Kunstmuseum Gæstelære Århus Kunstakademi & VIA.
Project staff at Tegnefestival i Horsens.
Member of BKF (Billedkunstnernes Forbund) DK, DBS (Dansk Billidhuggersamfund), DBF (Danske Billedkunstneres Forbund), KKS (Kvindelige Kunstneres Samfund), ProKK (Professionelle Kunstnere & Kunsthåndv.) and Kunstnerværkstederne Hollufgård, Odense

For the last 10 years I have been working with sculpture in mixed media and bronze, as well as the collaboration with visual artist Erling Tingkær to develop various mobiles.
My idiom in the bronze sculptures is the expressive figurative expression. The bronze figures I have in the exhibition are creatures who each have their very own personality, -some subtle and playful, -some brutality and in others again a crashing mood. We all know these moods to a greater or lesser degree as we go through life.
I have been interested in mobile for many years after experiencing Alexander Calder’s works, they set in motion my own experiments and constructions of these floating and constantly changing objects.