An art project of Danish-German friendship
Birgit Borggrebe
The Berlin-based artist Birgit Borggrebe comes from Arnsberg in Sauerland (North Rhine-Westphalia). After completing her degree in architecture at the University of Dortmund, she pursued a career as an architect. At the same time, she continuously pursued a professional parallel in contemporary art. Since 1997 she has been working as a freelance painter with studios in Potsdam and Berlin.
Member of
„artist group R-Pott“, Dortmund, since 1992
„Association of Visual Artists, Brandenburg“ (BVBK), since 2004
„Deutscher Werkbund“, Berlin since 2004
„Association of Berlin Artists (VBK)“, Berlin, since 2012
In 2019 she received the „Art Prize of the VBK – Benninghaus Prize 2019“.

My cycle „Rosa Zeiten“ is based on the longings and fears of people in the early 20s of the 21st century.
The word „ROSA“ is associated with the sun, joy, growth, blaze of color, feelings such as being in love and much more; also an exaggeration of the change in our present time.
We are at the peak of climate change, have been experiencing a pandemic for more than two years now and, after more than 70 years of peace, we are concerned that a turning point is imminent in uncertain times. The feeling of fear is often rather subtle, but on the whole we seem to be doing quite well. We have set ourselves up well in our paradise. Despite the knowledge of many connections, our behavior is inconsistent and therefore also destructive.
It is this ambivalence that inspires me. In the process of painting, paradisiacal landscapes collide with phenomena of environmental destruction. Colors flow from the unconscious, mixing fears with hope. The recurring confrontation with the fascinating flora shows a transformation. The fragility of our ideal world paves a way – sometimes in the light, sometimes in the corruption. Nature is constantly reinventing itself – from the germ to the blossom to the harvest. This extremely encouraging biorhythm lets me forget my fear of failure for a moment while painting my pictures.

Selected Exhibitions since 2016
ANDERS SCHÖN / mit Hanna Sass / Galerie Brennwald / Kiel (E, Germany)
ausgespielt. / Kunsthalle Bahnitz / Bahnitz im Havelland (G, Germany)
Eden und andere Illusionen / VBK Galerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
UPDATE22 / VBK Galerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
VERFREMDUNG / VBK Galerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
Verhinderte Schönheiten / VBK Galerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
ORTSTERMIN / kunstfestival moabit / reset / Berlin (G, Germany)
Birgit Borggrebe – SCHÖNE WELT / Galerie Schindler / Potsdam (E, Germany)
Birgit Borggrebe – ANDERE WELTEN / Galerie Müller & Petzinna / Lübeck (E, Germany)
was uns umgibt / Galerie MIANKI / Berlin (G, Germany)
UPDATE 20 / Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler / Berlin (G, Germany)
Zwischen den Zeiten / Kulturmühle Perwenitz / Schönwalde-Glien (G, Germany)
Fresh Legs BERLIN 2020 / Inselgalerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
Die Sehnsucht nach dem Grünen / Kulturmühle Perwenitz / Schönwalde-Glien (G, Germany)
wild and connected plus / BBK Galerie / Düsseldorf (G, Germany)
wild and connected plus / VBK Galerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
Preisträgerausstellung – Kunstpreis des VBK – Benninghauspreis 2019
Birgit Borggrebe – fragilewelten / VBK Galerie Berlin (E, Germany)
MACRO – MUSEO D’ARTE CONTEMPORANES ROMA / Präsentation mit Marianne Stoll, Jürgen Kellig, Susanne Kessler, Nele Probst / Rom (G, Italy)
Return / Centro Luigi de Sarrò / Rom (G, Italy)
Von inneren und äußeren Räumen / Inselgalerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
wild and connected / VBK Galerie / Berlin (G, Germany)
Sehnsucht nach Landschaft / Kunsthalle Bahnitz / Bahnitz (G, Germany)
Soweit das Auge reicht – Landschaft heute / Verein Berliner Künstler / Berlin (G, Germany)
Magische Orte / Galerie Artgeschoss / Berlin (E, Germany)
#Skills / Kunsthalle Brennabor / Brandenburg (G, Germany)
TRANSFORMATION / Artaffair / Wilhelmsaue, Berlin (G, Germany)
Ortstermin 17, Protest – Formen demokr. Teilhabe / Galerie Nord / Berlin (G, Germany)
Begegnungen in der Digitalwelt / BIENNALE Change–Exchange17 / URANIA Berlin (G, Germany)
Internationale Kunstausstellung ARTGESCHOSS 2017 / Salzgitter (G, Germany)
PEINTURE PURE ? / Galerie VBK / Berlin (G, Germany)
Magische Orte / Galerie BLOND&BLOND / Berlin (E, Germany)
Himmelsromantik / Galerie Müller&Petzinna / Groß Grönau / Lübeck (E, Germany)
Magische Orte / Galmer Hofkultur / Havelland, mit Gerhard Göschel, Galm, (E, Germany)
Internationale Kunstausstellung ARTGESCHOSS 2016 / Welfenakademie / Braunschweig (G, Germany)